Well hey there!
I’m Vanessa

I’m a mid-west girl living just outside of a super small town with my husband, Matt and our three kids.

I’m a teacher turn blog traveler with big aspirations to highlight all small towns that work their magic to show off their small town!

Hi, I'm Vanessa!
Family in front of John Wayne statue

We haven’t always spent our vacations in small towns.

But over the years we found that we simply enjoyed the lack of traffic, smaller setting, and a more relaxed environment. Actually…

Historic Downton Eureka Springs AR

It all Started over 18 years ago…

My birthday present from my sister was a trip to see the John Wayne Birthplace during Madison County’s Festival. My husband and I were enchanted by the small town feel of other towns.

That single trip started a spark in us and years later,
Small Town Travels blog started! 💃🏽

In Retrospect…

I probably should have known that a girl who has grown up having a deep affection for my own small town would eventually find joy in showcasing other small towns.

main street
Examples of Vanessa volunteering in her community.


I’m probably looking for the next small town to spotlight on my blog or helping out in our own small town.

Our town is super tiny, only about 160 people live here. But even with our size, we managed to build a big community building worth $285,000, all thanks to grants and donations.

From living in our town and visiting others, I’ve learned something important:

Community isn’t just about where you live—it’s about the people who care about the area.

Show the route traveled between two poitns.

Want more about small towns!?